Hunterdon County Emergency Services Training Center in NJ purchased this 1995 HME 4 Guys Pumper from Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company.
The Training Center offers several courses:
Advanced Heavy Lifting and Moving
Prerequisite: Heavy Lifting and Moving
Description: This twelve hour course will present the student with additional skills for the lifting and moving of heavy objects during rescue operations. Students will have the opportunity to practice various rigging skills and direct a crane using hand signals to move objects. Additionally, students will review and practice the use of TU-28 and TU-32 Grip Hoists in various scenarios. The use of the Paratech Bi-Pod and Tripod will also be covered. This course combines a classroom lecture followed by a full day session of practical exercises. This course will help agencies obtain “Technician Level” training for their personnel as per NFPA 1670, and Level II training for the individual rescuer as per NFPA 1006.
PPE: Technical Rescue or Firefighter
Class Minimum: 10
Class Maximum: 24
Air Bag and Cribbing Review
Prerequisite: None
Description: This four hour course will review the proper use of the Paratech Maxiforce high pressure air lifting bags and will include a review of basic cribbing procedures used during lifting operations employed during rescue situations. The student will have the opportunity to practice the application of the devices through “hands-on” sessions. Although there are no prerequisites for this class, previous attendance at a Heavy Lifting and Moving and / or a Vehicle Rescue – Operations Levelclass would be a plus.
PPE: Technical Rescue
Class Minimum: 16
Ambulance Driver Training
Prerequisite: Valid New Jersey Basic Driver’s License
Description: EMS is one of the most dangerous professions, joining the top three with only Police and Fire Fighter being more dangerous. Motor vehicle collisions are by far the top cause of EMT fatalities. This class, including a closed course driving session, teaches both experienced and novice drivers the research proven strategies to reduce accidents and improve crew safety in emergency response driving. This course combines CEVO III Ambulance (Classroom) and CEVO Maneuvering into a single class designed to improve the safety of driving response.
PPE: None
Class Minimum: 12
Art of Reading Smoke
Prerequisite: NJ State Firefighter Level I or 5 years on a department
The Reading Smoke component is designed to teach students how to predict the path of the fire based on the observed smoke conditions. The smoke conditions demonstrated include: color, velocity, pressure, volume and how each of these relates to specific fire conditions. With the basics established, the class then uses a case study method to review many multi-media videos and pictures to present sights and sounds from actual fires. The students will be able to apply lessons learned in class and confidently predict the movement of the fire based on what the smoke is showing. Segments of the class will highlight the evolving scene dynamics of the fire ground and the need for the continual size up process.
PPE: Firefighter
Class Minimum: 12
AZTEK Kit Basics
Prerequisite: None
Description: This four hour course will introduce the student with various uses of the AZTEK Kit in rope rescue operations. The student will learn the basic uses of the AZTEK as a travel restraint as well as the many uses of the mini 4:1 mechanical advantage side of the kit. This course combines both a short classroom lecture followed by a series of practical demonstrations. Students are encouraged to bring to class AZTEK kits used by their agencies. This course will help agencies reinforce both “Operations Level” and “Technician Level” training for their personnel as per NFPA 1670, and Level 1 and 2 training for the individual rescuer as per NFPA 1006.
Required PPE: Technical Rescue
Class Minimum: 10
Class Maximum: 24
Back to the Basics – In the Fire Service
Prerequisite: NJ State Firefighter Level I
Description: Haven’t been busy? Need to remember the little things about fighting fires, setting ladders, forcible entry, and search and rescue. This course will bring it all back to you. Whether you are a seasoned firefighter or young firefighter right out of school, we will run you through soup to nuts in the basics of fire training, ending in a final live burn scenario.
PPE: Firefighter *Students will need SCBA, Proper PPE, and Spare Cylinder*
Class Minimum: 16
Basement Fires
Prerequisite: NJ State Firefighter Level I
Description: Course will provide specific strategic and tactical training in responding to basement fires. Basement fires are becoming increasingly dangerous to firefighters. The complex nature of basement fires dictates the need for advanced training. Through a combination of classroom presentation, discussion and hands on activities this class will give firefighters the needed tools and experience to survive a basement fire. By examining case studies, building construction, strategy and tactics the students will develop an effective and safe game plan for operating at basement fires.
PPE: Firefighter *Students will need SCBA, Proper PPE, and Spare Cylinder*
Class Minimum: 16
Basket Stretcher Patient Packaging Review
Prerequisite: None
Description: This four hour course will review the proper use of the basket stretcher, including patient packaging and basic rigging for vertical and horizontal lifts and lowers as employed during emergency situations. The student will have the opportunity to practice the application and use of the devices through “hands-on” sessions. Although there are no prerequisites for this class, a basic understanding of spinal immobilization and patient packaging skills would be a plus.
PPE: Technical Rescue
Class Minimum: 16
Big Rig Rescue ™
Prerequisite: Vehicle Rescue – Technician Level (or proof of equivalent training)
Accidents involving tractor-trailers and other large vehicles call for specialized knowledge and skills on the part of emergency responders. The Hunterdon County Emergency Services Training Center is pleased to present this highly specialized vehicle rescue class entitled “Big Rig Rescue™” This course is designed for emergency response personnel who have technician-level training as well as prior experience in vehicle extrication. The BRR™ course offer hands-on scenarios that rescuers might face in their work: fully loaded tractor-trailers, cement mixers, tank trucks, and dump trucks involved in vehicle overturns, over-rides, and under-rides. This course provides emergency responders with extensive hands-on and classroom training in the use of tow trucks, rescue struts, cribbing, and airbag systems to lift and stabilize heavy vehicles during realistic vehicle extrication scenarios. This class was developed and will be presented by Billy Leach, a nationally recognized rescue and heavy rigging instructor, and an instructor at Central Carolina Community College and the FDNY Technical Rescue School. Personnel will operate in realistic conditions using the latest equipment available for vehicle rescue operations.
Students are expected to be proficient with all operations-level skills before the start of this class. This course is intended to provide “Technician-Level” training as outlined in NFPA 1670 (Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents).
PPE: Technical Rescue or Firefighter
Class Minimum: 16